Women's Ministry

Altar Guild

Serves before and after worship services

Rotational schedule

Women of this group dedicate their time and talent to providing a reverent worship space that demonstrates love and respect for God and His people gathered in His name. Functions performed by them include: displaying, cleaning, and storing paraments and linens appropriately; caring for sacramental vessels and vestments; preparing for and cleaning up after worship; ordering supplies and flowers; and decorating the sanctuary for seasonal and special events.

Sew What Group


9:00 am to 2:30 am

The Sew What Group spends the vast majority of their time making quilts which are donated to human care agencies such as Lutheran World Relief who distribute them to individuals living amidst poverty, disaster, and war. They also make eyeglass cases for MOST Ministries and wheelchair/walker bags. Sewing is not a prerequisite for joining the group. Some ladies serve by cutting, piecing, and pinning quilt squares or tying the finished quilts. Others use their knitting or crocheting skills to make lap blankets for Phil’s Friends to distribute to cancer patients.  The ladies also take time each week to enjoy fellowship over a brown bag lunch. You need not stay for the whole day; come for as long as you wish. Moms, feel free to bring your preschool children.

Women's Truth Seeker's Bible Study

Second and Fourth Tuesdays of the month

6:30 pm

Come fellowship at 6:00 pm, study starts at 6:30 pm and ends at 8:00 pm. For more information, please contact the church office.

Women's Book Club

Fourth Tuesday of the month

9:30 am

Do you enjoy reading and discussing books? Then this group is for you. Each month a readily accessible book from area libraries is chosen to read. Selections are varied and include Christian fiction of all genres to inspirational non-fiction books. Each session is opened with prayer followed by light refreshments. A lively discussion about the book read, including how it relates to faith, follows based on author’s or reviewer’s questions. The group then chooses a new book to read.